Monday, July 8, 2019

I'm Curious

So, I'm curious.  Why do some people struggle and others seem to sail through life with ease?  This is mostly a rhetorical question as I realize that things are never exactly as they appear.  But what I'm getting at is, sometimes it seems that a person gets hit over and over again and can never really regain strength enough to get up. 

Believing in God can sometimes make this more difficult because the question needs to be asked, "Why does God allow so much strife for some people and not others"?  The answers are pretty standard...."God never gives you more than you can handle"....."You must be a good Christian because the devil is attacking you more"...."You must have a lesson that God wants you to learn"...."It only seems that your world is falling down around you, but it isn't"...."You're still alive and breathing so is it really that bad"...."There are others that have it far worse than you so stop complaining"....blah, blah, blah.

If I reflect on the last few months to a year of my life, I've come to some possible conclusions:

  1. God does not really exist.  It's a made up, fabricated fairy tale that is meant to give you an illusion that someone gives a rats ass about you and your circumstances.
  2. God does exist and He's a joker and gets His jollies off on creating havoc in people's lives...almost driving them off the edge of a cliff.

There might be other possibilities too, but I'll just quit while I'm ahead.

Can you tell that I'm bitter?  You can't?  Well, let me spell it out for you a little better:

   You know that poem about there being only one set of footprints in the sand?  Well, I don't feel like I'm being carried, nor do I feel like I've ever been carried!  That's right!  I feel abandoned, left fully alone to fend for myself.  Today, I feel like prayer is a waste of time.  It's a farce!  I go to church, I pray, but to no avail.  I'm just going through the motions like a good little pawn.  Ha!  The jokes on me!

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